Here we are welcoming you into our lives and our Home and you do not know us from anywhere. That is O.K., because everyone you have ever known started out as a stranger, and through time and learning about each other, you became friends and some became family, without the blood line.
We are a military family that has lived in many countries around the world and have made many friends that became family. We are hungry for more of that.
We settled in Utah after my 20 year military career. My wife and I have a goal of opening a Bed & Breakfast in the next 5 years and probably around the eastern Tennessee area.
We both love to cook and to serve large groups of people. About 4 years ago, Our church was able to serve more than a 1000 thanksgiving dinners to those who desired to share in our gifts for them. Before that we served about 400 people thanksgiving dinners in a town nearby and did that for about 4 years.
So we love to help and serve as individuals and to find new ways to share our gifts and our lives. I also used to help in disaster relief with the American Red Cross.
In a job interview, I was asked, "Who are You?" I thought for a minute and then I answered,
"I'm the guy who is going to show up at work one day with the B-B-Q in the back of my truck and cook lunch for people who want a burger or something. I am also the guy who will show up at your house on the day you need me to help you move and offer myself and truck to help. That is who I am." He liked that answer and I got the job and ended up doing both the cooking and the moving.
Each of You need to know who I am as well. I am the guy who will be here to develop a long term relationship with you because you asked for it and I will believe in you as long as it takes. I am here to help you build your business for free, I simply want you to succeed. If you are successful then you will have achieved much, your company and team will be better for it, our industry will have a better reputation which is the goal of anyone who loves our industry and wants that to be public.
We invite you to join us and share our life as you may share your life with us.
You can always tell the measure of a man by the friends and relationships he honors. Join Us. We'd love to get to know You!
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